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Year 3 info


In order to be enrolled in this course, you have to register by clicking the Register Now button below or you can contact the instructor for the course. Classes begin 9.00 am - 10.00am  every Sunday morning


Kingdom Life School 

Ministry Module [5hrs]

KLS 301   The Power of Plan, Purpose and Pursuit 

KLS 302    Knowing Your Ministry 

KLS 303    Leadership Development 

KLS 304    The Power of Mentorship 

KLS 305    Christian Work Ethics [Character, Integrity and Protocol] 


Relationship Module [5Hrs]

KLS 306    Love Relationship with Yourself 

KLS 307    Relationship with Others 

KLS 308    Understanding Manhood & Womanhood 

KLS 309    Family Life

KLS 310    Understanding the Total Man 


Impartation Module [3hrs]

KLS 311    The Anointing and the Anointed 

KLS 312    The Mystery of the Holy Communion 

KLS 313    The Mystery of the Anointing Oil 


Review [1 Hour]

Exams [1 Hours]


Please click this button to Register

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