KingdomLife School
Year 2 info
In order to be enrolled in this course, you have to register by clicking the "JOIN" button. Alternatively, you can contact the school administrator. Classes begin 9.00 am - 10.00am every Sunday morning
Kingdom Module [4 Hours]
KLS 201 Understanding the Kingdom
KLS 202 Kingdom Language
KLS 203 Kingdom Lifestyle
KLS 204 Kingdom Warfare
Kingdom Service Module [3 Hours]
KLS 205 Kingdom Discipline
KLS 206 Kingdom Stewardship
KLS 207 Kingdom Mandate
Kingdom Prosperity Module [2 Hours]
KLS 208 Understanding Kingdom Prosperity I
KLS 209 Understanding Kingdom Prosperity II
Holy Spirit Module [4 Hours]
KLS 210 Walking in the Spirit
KLS 211 The Fruit of the Spirit
KLS 212 The Gifts of the Spirit
KLS 213 Speaking in Tongues
Review [1 Hour]
Exams [1 Hours]
Please click this button to Register
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