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Year 1 info

In order to be enrolled in this program, you have to register by clicking the "JOIN" button, this will take you to the registration site. Alternatively, you can contact the school administrator.


Foundation Module [3 Hours]

KLS 101     Mystery of Redemption

KLS 102     New Creation Realities

KLS 103     Christ Consciousness



Dominion Module [3 Hours]

KLS 104      Dominion over Satan

KLS 105      Dominion over Sin

KLS 106      Dominion over Sickness


Power Module [5 Hours]

KLS 107      Word Power

KLS 108      Prayer Power

KLS 109      Faith Power

KLS 110      Praise Power

KLS 111      Holy Spirit Power


Review [1 Hour]

Exams [1 Hours]


Please click this button to Register

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